Why did this old transmission show up?

This may happen for a variety of different reasons, so if you have specific questions about an old transmission appearing on your dashboard, please write in to Support@RhythmScienceInc.com with transmission link(s) and as much information about the issue as you are able to provide, and our support team will investigate the issue.

Below are some possible explanations that may apply:

  • If it's a Biotronik transmission, and the alert is "HM Follow-up Transmission did not arrive yet?" Then the DOS is from the last transmission and the alert is new and can be deprogrammed in the Biotronik portal. This may have happened due to a patient's monitor being disconnected.
  • The patient's monitor may get stuck during the transmission sending, and the transmission does not send until later 
    • This may occur during the automatic monitor update via cloud
    • This may occur due to intermittent cell signal
  • The patient may be away from their monitor for a few days, and the transmission comes in when they are back next to it
  • The vendor portal may have delays in processing the transmissions

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