What Are User Types?

User types are categories that registered users in the Rhythm360 portal are organized into. When a user is first onboarded into R360, they can be assigned a user type by the portal's admin. User types have different levels of access to R360's functions, and generally perform different tasks within the portal.

Technician User Types

Technician User - A basic Technician user has access to review reports on the Technician dashboard. After reviewing reports, a Technician can report preliminary findings using the Technician Notes in Review Notes. The Technician can also Dismiss, Submit, or Hold reports.

Technician Admin - A higher level Technician user that has access to Add, Activate/Deactivate, and Edit users in the R360 portal. Technician Admins can create both Technician and Clinician users.

Depending on the portal's settings, Technician Billers also have access to viewing reports billable by professional CPT codes.

  • Split billing mode - Technician Billers can only view reports billable by technical CPT codes.
  • Global billing mode - Technician and Clinician Billers have a synchronized dashboard and can view both technical and professional CPT code reports.

Clinician User Types

Clinician User - A user that is usually an MA, nurse, scribe, etc. These users can view reports only.

Clinician Admin - A higher level Clinician user that can change the clinic's settings within the R360 portal. They can also Add, Activate/Deactivate, and Edit users in the R360 portal. Clinician Admins can only create other Clinician users.

Clinician E-Signer - A Clinician user with access to e-signing reports. An e-signer can also be a Clinical User or Clinical Admin.

Finding your user type

If you are unsure of your user type, you can find it by clicking on your profile icon in Rhythm360.

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