How to Add Clinic Preferences

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

Clinic Preferences allow for users to share specific instructions about their clinic portal. Clinic Preferences can be referenced on any page in the Rhythm360 portal. 

Note: In order to add, edit, or remove Clinic Preferences, you must be a user with Admin privileges.

To add or edit Clinic Preferences:

  1. Click the Notes icon at the top right of any Rhythm360 page.
  2. A new window will appear, displaying the Clinic Preferences. Click Edit.
  3. Enter in any relevant notes, then click Save.

The Clinic Preferences will be saved, which will be visible to all clinic users.

There are three different areas to add notes: 

Service Level Requirements: These are usually added by clinics that have their transmissions read by the Rhythm Science team. It allows our technicians to know any potential requirements by your clinic for our readers. 

Alert Notification Preferences: These are usually added by clinics that have their transmissions read by the Rhythm Science team. Does your clinic have a particular clinician staffing for weekend, evening, or holiday alerts? Are there certain times we should not contact you about Alerts? Is there an escalation policy for Red Alerts not addressed in a certain time frame? This is the area for all these specifications. 

Other Notes: If there is anything else that you clinic would like to communicate in regards to your use of R360. 

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