How to Submit a Report

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

Once a report has been reviewed by a Technician user, they can submit the report to the Clinician for an e-signature. Reports are submitted from the Technician Dashboard through the Review Modal.

Note: If you submit a report by mistake, the Clinician can send the report back to the Technician Dashboard.

To submit a report:

  1. On the Technician Dashboard, click Review to open the patient's transmission report.
  2. A new window will appear, displaying the report. At the bottom of the report, click Submit to Clinician.
    • If you cannot locate the Submit to Clinician button, the button may have been set to perform a different action. Click the arrow next to the right most button to open a context menu. 
    • Select Submit to Clinician, then click the button again to submit the report.

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