How to Manage Biotronik Alerts

Biotronik alerts are customizable per patient. Some of these alerts are Admin alerts, and others are clinically related. If you are getting too many or too few alerts, here is how to adjust them:

  1. Go to the Biotronik home monitoring portal; go to All Patients on the left hand side, and search/find the patient whose alerts you wish to adjust. Click on the patient's name to open their patient page, then click on the Options tab.
  2. Then click "Edit" on the Options window at the top right hand side. Mark the episodes that you would like to trigger an alert on the reports. 
  3. Please note that the first 2 options below should be selected to include EGMs on the report.
  • Red Alert Icon + Envelope - This will automatically trigger a red alert in R360 and will include any EGM that may be associated with the alert on the report.
  • Yellow Alert Icon + Envelope - This will automatically trigger an alert transmission in R360 and will include any EGM that may be associated with the alert on the report.
  • Yellow Alert Icon - This will cause an alert transmission to come into R360, no EGM included on the report.

Note- you may need to also program "Episode Details Received" (arrhythmia and/or non-arrhythmia) to Yellow + Envelope to receive EGMs in Rhythm360.

For HM Follow-ups to have Periodic IEGMs, make sure to include the "HM Follow-up transmission has arrived" alert as Yellow + Envelope.

Once the changes have been made in the patient's BIO profile, you will scroll to the bottom of the page and click Apply, and then Confirm. This should apply the changes to this patient. 

R360 can also do daily checks to make sure certain alerts are always exported for BioMonitors.  You can make this request via our Support Desk.

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