Billing History

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

When reviewing a patient's report, you can determine a patient's last billed report and whether a current report is billable or not with a couple of different tools. You can review a patient's report on the Dashboard or Clinician Reports page and click the Review or Oh Hold Button of the report. 

Beside the Bill Transmission box, you'll see a blue or red text of Billing History. If the text "Show Billing History" is red, this is an indication that for the displayed transmission type, it is a billable report. In the example below, this Monitor report is billable. 

If the transmission is billable, you can click "Bill Transmission". If the report is not billable, you will receive a notification to confirm if you'd like to bill this report. 

If you click on the "Show Billing History" text, a pop-up window will display the patient's billing history. This is used to determine when the patient's last billed report was, and all others previously marked as billable. The billing history displayed will include:

  • Session Dates 
  • Number of days ago for each billable report (from the current report's Date of Service)
  • Session Types (Monitor, HF Report, Device Check, etc)
  • CPT codes billed
  • Location (Remote vs In-Office)

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