Downloading Reports

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Download patient transmission report from dashboard

There are a few ways to download a transmission report. The quickest way will be on the Dashboard or Clinician Dashboard page.

If you click the right-hand option, a drop-down will display "Coversheet Only" or "Coversheet + Report" options you want to download. A new tab will open and will display the option you have selected. If you click the download button at the top right-hand corner of the page, it opens a new window for you to choose where to save the file. 

Download patient transmission report from patient profile 

To find a specific patient's report, search their name and on their patient profile page- you can also download their transmission reports following the same process as downloading patient transmission reports from the dashboard.

From the Billing Page

Here is our article on how to download an individual report, a selection of, or all reports from the Billing page

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