Notes on the Patient Profile

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

This article reviews the different types of notes and how most clinics use them. 

Clinical Notes - Any important notes related to the patient or device. The previous notes added (called Patient Notes) will now be classified as Clinical Notes. The user can move these notes to a different note type. Please see here on how to add patient notes in R360.

Communication Log - This is where any phone call, text/SMS, or email communication can be documented. For Technical Services account - If you have inquiries regarding a particular patient's bedside monitor or device, you can also visit this section to access the Support Desk.

Administrative - Any other notes related to appointments, etc. Our team also utilizes these to save preferences for how a patient likes to be contacted when they are expected to be released from any hospitalizations or return from vacation.

You can tag other users in any note using the @ symbol before typing their name and selecting them from the options that appear. They will receive a notification in the upper right corner alerting them of the tag.

Move between the different note types by clicking on the title. 

For any notes that are no longer useful, informative, or accurate, archive them by clicking on the file button in the upper right corner of the note that should be archived.

View Archived Notes by clicking on them in the upper right corner of the Notes section.

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