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How to Add Patient Notes

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

Patient Notes can be used to leave reminders, communications, or administrative information about the patient. They are a great way to communicate vital clinical or administrative information about the patient between clinic staff, or between clinic and RhythmScience teams. You can add patient notes either from the patient profile page, or from the Review window when you are in a patient's report.

You can click on the patient's name to access the patient's profile page. On the profile page, the Patient Notes can be found on the right section.

There are three categories of Patient Notes you can add in Rhythm360:
Clinical Notes - Any clinical notes related to patient's clinical status or device. Examples may include: medication changes, related procedures, implant or device.

Note: Older notes are listed under "Clinical Notes"

Communication Logs - This is where the user can document any communication made with the patient through calls or emails.

Administrative - Any notes related to appointments or would not otherwise be considered a clinical or communication log. Examples include: billing information, patient transfer information, etc. 

Adding notes

To add a new note:

  1. Click Add Note.
  2. A new window will appear. Select the Note Type.
  3. Enter in any notes you may have.
  4. Optionally, you can log the time spent writing notes by entering a number in Time spent on Task.
  5. Confirm any changes, then click Save Note.

Archiving notes

In lieu of deleting notes, users may Archive incorrect or irrelevant notes. Click the Archive icon next to a Patient Note, and confirm the archival by clicking Yes.

Archived notes can be viewed by clicking Archived Notes in the top right of the Patient Notes.

Unarchiving notes 

If you would like to Unarchive a note, click Archived Notes > Unarchive > click Yes.

Move notes

Clinical Notes can be changed to Administrative or Communication Logs and vice versa. Click Move beside the Archive button, select which category you would like to move the note to, and click Save Note.

From the Review window, click on Patient Notes to access the same information as above. Please see GIF below.

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