Patient Profile Page

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

The Patient Profile page shows you everything you need to know regarding a given patient. The Patient Profile is also where you can add or update the patient's information, or deactivate the patient from your portal. 

When you click on a patient's name from the Dashboard or Patient List, it will bring you to the page seen below -- this is the patient's profile. On this page, you can view the patient's details including their name, date of birth, device, device type, contact info, and more. You can also add notes for the patient, set the patient's tags, and view all of the patient's previous transmissions.

Edit patient information

You can also add or edit the patient's information by clicking on the gear icon at the top of the patient's profile. 

A new window will appear, allowing you to:

  • Add or edit the patient's demographics including address and contact information, insurance information, and any relevant Rhythm360 information.
  • View the patient's active and inactive leads, as well as initiate a device changeout.
  • Deactivate the patient if they have been disconnected for an extended time, are transferred or deceased, or opt out of remote monitoring. See deactivation how-to here.
  • View the patient's action history (auditing trail) for a list of actions that have been taken for the patient within the Rhythm360 portal.

Reason for Implant

For Rhythm patients with loop recorder, you are able to add the Loop Reason for Implant to the Patient Profile page and it will appear on the coversheets of their transmissions. This is not available for HF/HTN patients. 

View previous transmissions

The bottom of the page displays a list of the patient's previous transmissions. You can view each of these transmissions by clicking on the transmission date. To the right of the date, you will see several columns:

Billed: If there is a credit card icon in this column, the transmission was marked as billable. If it is blank, then it was not marked as a billable transmission.

Notes: The message icon indicates that the transmission has been reviewed by the reading technician, and preliminary notes have been made for this transmission. If you hover your mouse over this icon, it will show you the notes that have been made for this transmission.

Transmission Status: There are several different statuses for transmissions that can notify users of the transmission's progress in being completed.

  • E-Signed: The transmission was viewed and signed by a Clinician.
  • New: The transmission has not been submitted to the Clinician, Dismissed, or Submitted. It is still on the Technician Dashboard.
  • Dismissed: The Technician or Clinician dismissed the transmission.

Undismiss reports

If a user previously dismissed a report, the report will still appear on the patient page. If you need to, you can undismiss these transmissions for further review.

To undismiss a report:

  1. Navigate to the CRM Transmissions section.
  2. Locate the dismissed report. A dismissed report is indicated by the "Dismissed" tag under the report's Tx Status.

3. Click on the Dismissed tag

4. A new window will appear. Click Yes to confirm whether or not you would like to undismiss the report

5. The report is now undismissed, and will return to the Technician Dashboard for review. 

If you need further assistance, send us a ticket by clicking the help icon at the bottom left of the screen in R360, or by sending an email to:

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