How Do I Delete a Patient Note

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

Currently, patient notes cannot be deleted. However, if a note needs to be edited or hidden due to an error, you can archive the patient note.

Archiving a Patient Note

  1. Navigate to the Patient Notes section at the bottom right of the Patient Profile 
  2. On the note that you want to archive, click on the Archive button inside the top right of the note.
  3. A new dialog window will appear, asking if you want to archive the note.
  4. Click Yes to proceed.
  5. The note will be moved into the Archived Notes section.

Viewing an Archived Note

  1. With a note archived, click the Archived Notes link in the top right corner of the Patient Notes section.
  2. A new window will appear, showing all previously archived notes. 

Unarchiving Patient Notes

  1. In the Archived Notes window, click on the Unarchive button.
  2. A new dialog window will appear, asking if you want to unarchive the note.
  3. Click Yes to proceed.
  4. The note will return to the Patient Notes section.

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