Adding Anti-Coagulation Status

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

Adding anti-coagulation notes can be done in 2 places: Patient profile page, or transmission review window. 

Adding an Anti-coagulation Status

  1. Navigate to the patient's Profile page. 
  2. At the top right of the page, under Atrial Fibrillation Management, click on the dropdown menu. By default, the patient is set as "Unknown Anti-Coagulation status."
  3. Choose the appropriate Anticoagulation status for your patient from the dropdown.
  4. A message will appear at the top of the screen notifying you of the patient's updated Anticoagulation status.

Then, when you go back to the Dashboard, you'll see the anti-coagulation status under the patient's name.

You can also find the status when you are in the review window of a patient's transmission. You can change the anticoag status here as well. 

A toggle has been added to the clinic settings which, when disabled, prevents 'Unknown Anticoagulation Status' from being displayed on the coversheet. For more information about the Settings page, refer to the Related Articles section at the bottom of this page.

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