How to Deactivate a Patient

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

Patients can be deactivated if they are no longer being actively monitored by the clinic. Some reasons for deactivating a patient include transferring to another clinic, patient expired, device explanted, or discontinued remote monitoring. This can be done either from the Patient Profile Page, or the Compliance Dashboard (if they have not transmitted for long enough to appear on the page. Here is an in-depth article on how to navigate the Compliance Dashboard and dismiss a patient from there. If a patient is deactivated from their profile, they will automatically be removed from the Compliance Dashboard as well.) 

Deactivating the patient in R360 does not remove them from the vendor portal. If the patient is left in the vendor portal and starts transmitting again, the transmissions will still come into R360.  The app notifies all users if a deactivated patient has a new transmission - we recommend unenrolling the patient from the vendor portal to avoid this problem.

Below are the steps to deactivate a patient:

1. Navigate to the Patient's Profile (here is an article with in-depth steps on how to do this)

2. Click on the Gear/Settings icon at the top

  1. Click Deactivate Patient to open a pop-up window.
  2. Choose the deactivation reason, then click Deactivate Patient.

5. You will see the reason for deactivating the patient beside the patient's name

6. The patient's reason for deactivating will also appear on the Dashboard or Clinician Review page underneath the patient's name if there is a report remaining.

7. The deactivation status also now appears in the transmission review window, if a deactivated patient remains in the vendor portal and happens to transmit.

If this is an HF/HTN patient that transmitted during the next monthly reporting period, you will receive another transmission at the end of that reporting period.

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