Snippets and More Snippets

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Technicians in Rhythm360 can add snippets to a patient's transmission report. These snippets are a quick and efficient way to document findings on a report and keep things consistent. Advanced snippets cover a wider range of issues for patients. These snippets include notes on general device or in-office findings or patient communication issues. 

If you would like a custom Snippet added to your Rhythm360 portal for use in Transmission Reports, please contact us at:

Adding Snippets to a Transmission Report

  1. Open the patient's Transmission Report. For information on how to access a Transmission Report, click here.
  2. A new window will appear, showing the details of the patient's report. On the left hand section, scroll down to Technician Notes
  3. Here, you can type any notes you might have for the patient, or click on the Snippets to enter them in automatically.
  4. Click Save when you are done to store the changes to the report.

Adding Advanced Snippets to a Transmission Report

  1. To add More Snippets, click on the "+ More Snippets" button in the snippets section. 
  2. A new window will appear showing more Snippets to choose from. Select the appropriate snippets, then click the X button to close the window.
  3. Click Save when you are done to store any changes to the report.

    Removing Snippets from a Transmission Report

  4. To remove Snippets from a report, click on the checked Snippet to remove it from the notes.
  5. Click Save when you are done to store any changes to the report.

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