How to Enable Report Reclassification

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

You can enable Report Reclassification if you would like a pop-up notification that a Device Check (DC) Report is billable for Heart Failure (HF), and asks if you would like to change the transmission type. Enabling the Report Reclassification setting in Rhythm360 allows you to select from Device Type (pacemakers, defibs, and CRTs) and/or Vendors (BSX, BIO, MDT, ABT) that you would like a notification for to convert from DC to HF reports. Old, existing reports will not be affected by enabling Report Reclassification.

Note: You must be a user with Admin privileges in Rhythm360 to enable this feature.

Enabling Report Reclassification

If you would like reports to be reclassified for your clinic, you must first enable the setting within Rhythm360. 

  1. In the Rhythm360 portal, click your profile picture at the top right.
  2. Click Settings then Clinic Settings
  3. On the Clinic Settings page, in the drop down click on Rhythm and Report Reclassification
  4. Enable the Report Reclassification setting by clicking the switch for the desired Device Type and/or Vendor

Once the setting is enabled, any new Device Check reports from the selected Device Type and/or Vendor will be displayed as Heart Failure reports.

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