Clinic and Personal Settings

The Clinic Settings page allows users to turn on or turn off options that can help improve the workflow for all users in your Rhythm360 clinic. Clinic Settings can only be enabled or disabled by an admin user. To change these settings or to grant a user admin privileges, contact your administrator or Rhythm Science support at Support@Rhythm.Science.

To access the settings:

  1. Click on your profile icon on the top right of Rhythm360.
  2. Click Settings.

Personal Settings

"Personal Settings" is designated for user-specific preferences, including notification settings and the option to activate the Auto-Next feature during report reviews. Please note that providing a mobile number is necessary when enabling SMS notifications.

General Clinic Settings

E-sign and archive reports by default: Enables/disables the option to archive reports after a Clinician signs them.

Automatically archive billings after export to EHR: This is only available for portals with an EHR integration. When on, this will automatically archive any billed report once it is successfully exported to your EHR system and will no longer show on the Billing

Compliance Clinic Settings

Allow clinician users to see Compliance tab: This allows users with a Clinician permission level to see the compliance dashboard, more on the compliance dashboard can be found here.

Check for Disconnected Monitors: If disabled, the system will ignore devices from the listed vendor when searching for disconnected monitors

HF/HTN Clinic Settings

Enable Onboarding checklists for HF/HTN Patients: Enables/disables the option to display an onboarding checklist for new HF/HTN patients

Default E-sign Time: Enables/disables the option to automatically log task time as 1 minute for each HF/HTN report reviewed.

Turn on default time for Technician report writing: Enables/disables the option to automatically log task time of 2 mins for each HF/HTN report submitted.

Hold HF/HTN threshold alerts until it reaches a successive day streak: Enables/disables the option to hold report alerts until a certain threshold streak is reached.

Number of successive days the HF/HTN threshold must exceed to create a new notification: Adjusts the number of days for the option above.

Enable rapid pressure change HF/HTN alerts generation: Enables/disable the option to display an alert on HF/HTN reports for rapid pressure changes. 

Rhythm Clinic Settings

Report Reclassification (Device Check to HF): Enables/disables the option to classify Device Check reports to HF reports for certain device types and vendors.

Set Alert Flag Color: Choose which alerts are considered Red or Yellow.

Archive Controls: Toggle the option for if MDT reports in Carelink are archived when confirmed retrieved in R360.

Billing: Toggle the options for Blocking users from submitting a report with a Date of Service that is in the future if no reports should be processed ahead of that Date of Service. 

Flag advisory devices based on serial number will check devices for recalls based on that serial number and alert if it has been recalled. 

Display timestamps for measurements on Rhythm Report coversheet will adjust to add this information to the coversheet if toggled on. 

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