

If enabled for your clinic, the Rhythm360 system will generate a new billing report every 31 or 91 days that will serve as a summary of the reports received within the specified window of time. This report will include the links to those received reports, and will include details (alert flags and technician notes) from the last submitted report. It aids in billing processes by providing a consistent billing window that is not dependent on the scheduled transmission date inside the vendor portal.


Allows you to set repeatable, patient-specific billing cycles

  • Set an ongoing schedule for reports
    • 91 days for Device Checks
    • 31 days for Loop Recorders and Heart Failure
  • Summary reports require at least one vendor report to be received within the specified window of time. If the vendor report is not received until days after a monitoring window ends, (for example, you receive a patient's report on day 95 of a 91 day billing cycle) thats okay— our system will look for a report for 10 days after that monitoring period 'ends'.

There are two different ways to set up a Summary Report:

*for service customers, the following steps are done by your RhythmScience team

  1. In the review window of a patient’s report

  1. From the patient’s profile page, under Manage Devices

How to set up Summary Reports from the review window of a patient’s report


  1. Verify the last billed date for that specific report type for the patient.

  1. Next, click on the yellow banner located at the top of the review window that prompts, "Click here to set up a report schedule."
  2. Toggle the switch to ON in order to enable Summary Reports. The system should automatically select the monitoring window dates, with the start date (first date shown) being the day after the last billed date. It's important to double-check that this selection appears correct before saving.

For instance, in the example image provided below, the last billed date for the Loop Recorder was on 09/06/2024. Therefore, the system correctly chose 10/07/24 as the start of the Summary Report period. Consequently, the Summary Report will generate on 11/06/24 , which is 31 days from 10/07/24.

NOTE: If the patient has not been billed for an extended period or has never been billed at all, you should bill the single report received, and then turn on summary reports for the patient with the monitoring period starting from the day after this billed date.

  1. Once Summary Reports have been activated for that patient, the banner will turn green. Subsequently, future Summary Reports will be generated automatically without any further adjustments to dates, provided that a report of that type is received in R360 during the specified monitoring period.

How to set up Summary Reports from the patient’s profile page, under Manage Devices

  1. Navigate to the Patient Profile Page and select "Manage Device," then proceed to "Report Scheduling." This will grant you access to the same screen described in the previous steps.

Summary Report Periods and In Clinic Interrogation

If in the middle of a patient’s Summary Report period they have an in-clinic device interrogation, will reset the summary report period:

Billed Code

Summary Report to Reset

93288 Pacemaker/CRT-P Device Check SR
93289 Defib/CRT-D Device Check SR
93290 HF SR (regardless of device type)
93291 Loop Recorders

The reset summary report cycle will have start date the day after the interrogation report’s DOS.


  1. Patient has a pacemaker with an SR period of 1/1/2024 - 3/31/2024
  2. Patient has an in-clinic interrogation on 2/1/2024 where code 93288 is billed
  3. Patient’s pacemaker device check SR period will reset and have a starting date of 2/2/2024

Important Notes:

  • Collects all reports received during that period into a simplified billing report
  • Takes the ‘thinking’ out of billing by disabling it for individual reports and including CPT codes on Summary Reports
  • These Summary Reports are NOT a clinical report, it is simply a SUMMARY of the reports that have been received in the summary window/monitoring period. The alerts/flags, key clinical findings, and note on this report will be from the last submitted report that was submitted to the clinic.
  • Alert transmissions will be handled as usual
  • If a device is changed out or deactivated, the Summary Report cycle will be disabled
  • If a patient with an active summary report has billing disabled, the summary report will be automatically disabled as well.

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