How do I stop receiving HF transmissions for a particular patient?
- If the patient is an Abbott/St. Jude patient, remove the patient from the HF Portal inside
- If the patient has a Medtronic device, remove the patient from the Co-manage option in Carelink.
Boston Scientific
- If the patient has a Boston Scientific device and was enrolled in a secondary Heart Failure group, remove the patient from the secondary group in the Latitude portal.
If there is a patient that was previously being monitored for HF by the RhythmScience Team, and you wish for this patient to no longer be monitored for HF, please write in making the request to Support@Rhythm.Science
Within the Patient Options, you are able to enable/disable HF Billing for individual Rhythm CIED patients. Toggle the HF Report Billing (CIED) on or off to enable or disable the reminder pop-up for reclassifying qualifying Heart Failure reports. To read more about this reminder, please see our HF Reclassification Pop-up article.