Auto-Next Transmission - Technician Review Efficiencies

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

Auto-Next Reporting Mode is a setting that allows Technicians to move quickly between transmissions on the Rhythm Dashboard. When this setting is enabled, reports are automatically opened on the Dashboard after the previous report is submitted, dismissed, or held.

To enable this feature for your account:

  1. Click on your profile icon on the top right of any Rhythm360 page.
  2. Click Settings and go to Personal Settings.
  3. Simply toggle the Turn on Auto-Next when reviewing reports switch and click the Save button in the bottom right corner.

The next time you review reports on the Rhythm Reports Dashboard, they will be automatically opened.

A few things to note about Auto-Next Reporting Mode:

  • If the next report is "On Hold" it will proceed to the next transmission to review - which means "On Hold" reports will be skipped.
  • The default Dashboard sorting is by Session Date which is from the oldest to newest report. If the user reaches the end, the setting will circle back to the oldest report. 
  • This feature also works according to the user's desired sorting when reviewing transmissions. The next report to be reviewed will match the sorting, and will loop back to the first report if the user reaches the end.

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