E-signing Feature
*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*
While reviewing a transmission, you can do the following:
1. E-Sign - this adds your name and date/time to the transmission. Transmission remains on the dashboard until it is archived. This is helpful if someone else in your clinic will be downloading the reports after being e-signed. When a report is signed, the row turns grey on the dashboard.
2. Archive - This can be used to dismiss a transmission that doesn’t need to be signed, or to archive an already signed transmission off the dashboard.
3. E-Sign and Archive - Signs the report and clears it out of dashboard.
4. Hold- This will put the transmission "On Hold", and will remain on the dashboard for future processing of transmission.
5. Send back to Technician- The Clinician user can choose to send a transmission back to the tech dashboard if they want additional or changes to the existing notes/transmission.
Note: The default setting for a new Rhythm360 portal is E-sign. This default can easily be changed to E-sign and Archive - this is requires admin permissions to be able to change and is detailed in the R360 Admin Page article. There are also articles on How to Download the Rhythm Science App to E-Sign from your Phone/Tablet and How to Improve the Clinician Workflow.