How to Filter Billings by CPT Code

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

Billings in the Rhythm360 portal can be sorted by CPT Code(s). This can make it easier to find certain billings, or organize billings together for filing purposes.

Filtering Billings by CPT Code

  1. Navigate to the Billing Page in your Rhythm360 portal.
  2. At the top of the page, under Billing Sheet, click on the Filters button.
  3. A new window will appear listing the options you can sort Billings by. 
  4. On the right most column, underneath the title CPT Codes, click on the dropdown menu.

5. The CPT Codes that your clinic uses will appear in the menu. Select the codes you want to filter by clicking the check mark that appears next to the code

6. When all of the desired codes have been selected, click on the Apply button.

7. The Billing Page will now only display Billings associated with the CPT Codes you selected. 

Clearing Filters

If you would like to see all Billings again, click on Clear Filter to the right of the Filters button. Or if you would like to remove only individual codes from the search, click the X next to the CPT code you no longer wish to see. 

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