Patient List Page

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

The Patient List page contains all active and inactive patients with key information that is customizable and available for downloading as well as searching for individuals. This page can be accessed by clinician or technician users through the left hand menu. 

The top section of the Patient List page contains running totals of active patients, lifetime patient counts (which is a combination of active and inactive patients), and a breakdown of number of patients by device type. 

The totals of all patients by devices may not equal the total number of active patients as some patients may have more than one device associated with them. 

The section below this contains the Filters, Download Patient List button, and Column selector. 

When clicking the Filters button, a menu of different filtering options appears. This includes, manufacturer, device, clinician, tags, non-compliant, device changeout, deactivated, and new patients. They are inclusive within their multiple option sections and additive across sections. 

For example, if you choose Manufacturer MDT and BSX, it will show you all patients with an MDT or BSX device. If you choose Manufacturer MDT and BSX and filter for New Patients, it will only show you new patients with MDT or BSX devices as seen below. 

To remove any of the filtering selections, hit the X next to the selection that should be removed or click Filters to add and remove several options at once. 

The counts at the top will not change as those are a total of all the clinic’s patients. However, it is possible to download a list of just the filtered patients by selecting the blue Download Patient List (Filtered) on the right. 

The Columns drop down on the right hand side allows for the customization of what is displayed on the page as well as what is downloaded in the Patient List. To add or remove columns, check or uncheck the desired categories. 

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