How to Navigate the Dashboard

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

This article walks through the different features of the admin dashboard. This will appear to all usera in your organization if it has been enabled, please contact the support team at to enable this feature. To access this section, select the Dashboard from top of the left page selection. 

The top section of the admin dashboard collates all the information of your organization's usage of Rhythm 360. It contains 3 sections: Reports, Compliance, and Billing. 

  1. Reports section comes from both the Technician Dashboard and Clinician Dashboard. This is how many reports are on the respective dashboards that have not been submitted and includes both Rhythm CIED and HF/HTN reports together. 
  2. Compliance comes from the Compliance page and lists how many patients and reports are considered non-compliant. For more information on the compliance page, please see the Compliance Dashboard article. 
  3. Billing alerts are derived from the Billing page with how many pending billings being how many reports that can be billed and Total Billings being how many billing eligible reports have been marked. To learn more about the billing page, please see the Billing Page article. 
  4. Tasks section has three tabs to utilize: New/Update Patients, Changeouts, and Resolve Export Failures
    • New/Update Patients will list any patients that have recently been added or updated who has conflicting information with another existing patient such as clinic id or device id. This will then allow you to choose the action to resolve this inconsistency. When there is no duplicate, you can view the new patient and create the profile. Patients with existing profiles, and therefore potential duplicates, names' are underlined. New patients without potential duplicates are not underlined. In the example below, Leroy has an existing profile and potential duplicate but Steven does not.

Choose Actions and View Data to review the profile before creating. If this is a New Patient with no conflict and all known information filled out, click Create New Patient. This will generate the profile and take you to the Patient's Page.

When there is a conflict to resolve, choose View Data and View and Replace at the top of the document.

This will show each section and allow you to either manually enter the correct data into the New Data section in the left half or choose to switch all the existing information into the new patient by clicking the Replace All button in the center. This can be undone by selecting Undo All afterwards.

When the right half (New Patient) has all the correct information, select Save and Close.

Important note: You can no longer dismiss the data as it prevents report generation. If you believe this is an error, please contact our RhythmScience support team, and they will be happy to assist you.

    • Changeouts will list any device changeout and gives two action options: Acknowledge or Flag Support. Once acknowledged, the patient will be greyed out and moved to the bottom of the list. Flag Support option will generate a ticket to the support team to investigate whether or not the changeout is correct and then grey the entry afterwards. 

There are two Changeout Filters: Needs Review contains data where Flag Support was selected, while Accepted includes those that were acknowledged.

    • Resolve Export Failures will display all failed EHR exports, providing the reasons for their failure and allowing you to resolve the errors if necessary. The first three actions are the default options, while the remaining actions depend on the reason for the failed export. This setup allows you to conveniently resolve or update the necessary information before retrying the export. For a complete list of export errors, what they mean, and how they might be resolved, visit our EHR Export Error Definitions and Resolutions article.

      • Retry Export - After updating any necessary details, click this button to retry the export to EHR.
      • Edit Patient Info - This will open the Edit Patient Info page to update the patient's data if needed.
      • Mark Export Successful - Click this button if the report has already been successfully exported or manually imported to the EHR.

      • Assign Clinician - A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to assign the patient to a clinician.

      • Edit Clinician Provider ID - A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to enter the clinician's provider ID.

If you are on the Patient Page, click the Resolve button to be redirected to the Dashboard, where you can get more details and retry the export.

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