Reviewing a Rhythm-CIED Transmission

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

In the Review Window, a Technician user can add notes and flag a transmission for review. A Clinician user can add their own notes and, if the Clinician user is a designated e-signer, can e-sign the transmission.

Depending on the user’s permissions, the user is either a Clinician user or a Technician user. Technician users have two dashboards: unarchived new transmissions (the Dashboard), and the Clinician Review page. Once a Technician user writes notes and submits transmissions, they will appear on the Clinician Review dashboard. From the Clinician Review dashboard, the Clinician user can e-sign the reviewed transmissions. 

To review a report, click on the Review or On Hold button in the right hand column of the dashboard. These open the review window in the same tab that you are viewing the Dashboard. 

Technician User Review Options

In the Review Window, Technician users have several options after reviewing transmissions:

1. Flag for Urgent Review

Technician users have the option to Flag for urgent review, which adds a red alert to the transmission. To flag a transmission for urgent review, click the checkbox next to Flag for urgent review in the transmission. 

The transmission will update with a red alert: Review. 

2. Send to Clinician

Technicians can also click Submit to Clinician to send the transmission, which moves the transmission from the Dashboard to the Clinician Review page. 

3. Hold

If Hold is selected, the transmission will remain on the Technician Dashboard and the Review button is replaced with an On Hold button. This transmission can be re-opened and submitted at a later point in time.

4. Dismiss

When Dismiss is selected, the report will disappear and the transmission will not be sent to the clinician. The report will still appear on the patient's page if the report needs to be undismissed. Please see the article on the How to Undismiss a Report article. 

If you attempt to dismiss a report that has been marked as Billable, you will be prevented from doing so with the warning that the report needs to be unmarked as billable in order to dismiss it. 

Clinician User Review Options

In the Review Window, Clinician Users can review notes and details made by Technicians, as well as add their own Clinic Notes. The Clinic Notes can be found under the Technician's Notes. Clinicians should make sure to save their notes after creating them by clicking on the Save button at the bottom of the window. 

Additionally, Clinicians can hold, e-sign, and archive transmissions.

1. Hold

If "Hold" is selected, the transmission will remain on the Clinician Review Dashboard and the blue Review button is replaced with a yellow On Hold button. This transmission can be re-opened and signed or archived at a later time.

2. E-Sign

E-signing a report will add the Clinician's name and the current date/time to the report. Once a report is e-signed, it will appear grayed-out in Rhythm360. 

3. Archive

Archiving a report will remove it from the dashboard. This can be used to remove transmissions that don't need to be signed, or remove already signed transmissions. Once a transmission is archived, it cannot be unarchived without Support's intervention. Please reach out to for assistance.  

4. E-sign and Archive

Signs the report, then archives it. This is an option to help speed up the workflow for clinic's who's e-signer also is the one archiving reports. 

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