How to Create New Technician/Clinician User

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

Creating a new user in Rhythm360 involves setting up user types and assigning appropriate permissions to ensure they can access the correct features. This article is a a step-by-step guide for setting up a new user.

Step 1: Add the New User

Once you have defined the user type and set permissions:

  • Go to Settings and select the User Management tab.

  • Select Create New User.
  • Input the necessary details such as:
    • First and Last Name
    • Username
    • Email (This can be used as their login username as well)
    • Role (Select the defined User Type) - see Setting Up User Types and Permissions for more details on user types/roles and permissioning.
    • Phone number
    • Check or uncheck 'Allow users to bulk export list' to determine whether the new user will have the ability to perform bulk downloads.
  • Save the new user entry.

Step 2: Confirm and Test Access

After saving the new user:

  • Inform the user about their account details
  • Confirm the new user can access their assigned areas and perform necessary actions (e.g., view reports, update patient details).
  • Adjust permissions if any access issues arise.

Note, if you need to make an update to an existing user, this can also all be done from the User Management table by selecting the 'Edit' action and making the necessary changes.

For more detailed information on roles and permissions, please refer to the 'Setting Up User Types and Permissions' article in the Related Articles section at the bottom.

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