E-Signing Reports

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

In Rhythm360, Clinicians can e-sign reports. Once these reports are signed, they will appear grayed out on the Dashboard and Billing page. Users can filter reports by Signed or Unsigned, allowing for easier organization.

E-Signing a Report

Navigate to the Clinician Review page. These pages show patient reports.

Find a report you would like to sign. Click on the Review button in the far right column to see the report's full details. 

Review the reports, add any clinical notes that are needed, and then select E-Sign or E-Sign and Archive at the bottom of the report. 

When the report has been e-signed, it will remain on the dashboard greyed out. 

To view more recent reports that may need signing, select Date/Range of Service at the top and it will reorder from Most to Least Recent when the arrow is pointing down and Least to Most Recent when the arrow is pointing up. 



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