Coversheets on transmission reports
*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*
All transmission reports that enter the R360 portal has an auto generated cover sheet attached as the first page of the transmission report. This cover sheet will highlight key information about the report such as:
- Patient Information
- Device Measurements & Information
- Battery Longevity
- Lead Information
- Key Clinical Findings: yellow and red alert tags
- Technician Summary: Saved technician notes will appear under Key Clinical Findings
The above image is how to access the Review Window.
This image above is the generated coversheet. The top section covers the patient information, date and type of session, CPT and DX codes, next appointment date, and if the transmission is billable.
Summary shows the details on patient's Device Info and Key Clinical Findings.
The Device Info includes the Device name and model, device type, serial number, measured data, and programmed settings.
The Key Clinical Findings will start with any alerts and the Anti-Coagulation Status if applicable. The remaining battery, AT/AF burden, % Pacing, and any relevant data added to the report will appear here as well. A toggle has been added to the clinic settings which, when disabled, prevents 'Unknown Anticoagulation Status' from being displayed on the coversheet. For more information about the Settings page, refer to the Related Articles section at the bottom of this page.
The Technician Notes and Clinician Notes are located at the bottom of the page.
If you need to adjust what appears on the Cover Page, this can be done by a technician using the left hand side of the Review Window. Please see our articles on Adjusting Reports and Reviewing Reports for more detail.