Patient Profile Information - Patient Options

*Please note the screenshots and information in this article contain fake PHI*

On the Patient's Profile under the Patient Information at the top, there is a gear icon next to the Patient Name that allows you to enter more information related to the Patient including device, insurance, and contact information. 

After any information in the different fields are changed, click Save and Close at the bottom of the screen. 

You can also access the Patient History on this page, located at the top of the window just below the Last Updated Date. This section provides details on any changes or additions made to this patient's information.

This is also where you can enable/disable billing for individual Rhythm CIED patients. Toggle the HF Report Billing (CIED) on or off to enable or disable the reminder pop-up for reclassifying qualifying Heart Failure reports. To read more about this reminder, please see our HF Reclassification Pop-up article. 

Clinic Bills Technical is an option for clinics that have a split billing set up where the clinic bills the Professional Codes and RhythmScience bills the Technical CPT Codes. This allows for the clinic to bill this individual patient's Technical Codes as well. To turn this on for the individual patient, toggle the option to Green/Right.

The Enable CIED Billing toggle allows you to disable billing for the patient. This action prevents billing for all CIED reports related to the patient until reactivated. If you choose to disable billing, a pop-up window will appear, reminding you that all current and future reports for the patient will be marked as non-billable, and any of the patient’s billings will be frozen. Select Disable Billing to confirm. This will automatically disable Clinical Bills Technical and HF Report Billing (CIED) as well as add the 'Billing Disabled (CIED)' tag to patients.

To ensure any changes made on the Patient Options page are saved, be sure to click Save and Close.

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